HiFocus 161i neo инструкция

HiFocus 600i neo. 29 Oct 2011. niemiecka technologia, włoska precyzja, polski temperament. HiFocus 600i neo. HiFocus 600i neo. The HiFocus 161i with the latest soft-switch-inverter provides manifold possibilities for cutting and. The HiFocus 161i meets the high demands of metal and. HiFocus 130 neo. Plasma cutting machine / CNC 10 — 160 A, max. 50 mm

HiFocus 130 neo — Kjellberg Finsterwalde and find where you can buy it. Contact the manufacturer. CNC 10 — 160 A, max. 50 mm HiFocus 600i neo. HiFocus 161i neo. HiFocus 161i neo можно сочетать с двухмерными или трехмерными направляющими устройствами с ЧПУ, например, машинами для газовой резки,. HiFocus 161i neo. HiFocus 161i neo. CNC max. 10 — 600 A, 0.5 — 160 mm 25 mm HiFocus 80i — Kjellberg Finsterwalde and find where you can buy it. Contact the manufacturer directly. CNC 10 — 160 A, max. 50 mm

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