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We need to understand certain points here, modern Archeology and Science is far different than what used to exist in ancient India. For instance, old temples of India, yet existing, were built on a different technology than what we find in modern civil engineering. This doesn't mean that ancient archeology was not having mathematics maturity — in fact, if we look at Temples of India, Jagannath Puri temple for instance, we do not find any iron or pillars used to build the temple — yet it stands from hundreds of years to a height of around 200 ft.

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China is being more sophisticated. Rather than digging holes, it is putting up buildings. The effect is the same though. «Some day» the empty skyscrapers will have value — if they are not condemned as worn-out structures first — but until then they are just holes.

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Of course, during the week sleep comes in the 9-5 variety of day jobs for Mr. Langworthy and all the members of the band. Majoring in civil engineering training, he runs a physical therapy business — specializing in underwater treadmills and therapy resistance pools.

Via running superhighways out to the middle of nowhere, erecting steel and glass towers in the boondocks, China generates new jobs in construction, civil engineering syllabus books, city planning and the like. All this construction looks fabulous on paper. The ghostly infrastructure gets counted as productive output, and the super-aggressive GDP target is maintained.

To find local spots that are fun to skate «illegally» just drive around. You will be pleasantly surprised by what you find. The oceanfront is probably the place to find skate spots. It is covered with sweet stair sets, rails, gaps, and ledges.

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The «glass bridge» is a modern-day marvel of civil engineering community. The cantilevered walkway extends 70 feet beyond the edge and suspends guests 4,000 feet above the Colorado River. The bridge is strong and can hold up to 71 fully loaded 747 jumbo jets. It can also withstand earthquakes up to magnitude 8 on the Richter Scale. Created to support up to 800 people, the Skywalk's maximum occupancy is 120.

He then worked Bologna and Rome (living in the Vatican) and finally left Italy to live in the home that was given to him by Francis I, king of France and patron of the arts where he spent his last days.

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