My Vacation In Nigeria
I have just returned from vacation in Nigeria, the most populous African nation. Nigeria is the largest oil producer of African. Apart from the oil, Nigeria is also blessed with very good weather. The weather is so good that it is likely all year round, to farm. The weather potential is really enormous that if exploited, all of the food it needs for local consumption and also for export could be produced by Nigeria. The positioned on the world in Nigeria makes it possible to possess just twelve hours of day and twelve hours of night. This remains the same round. The solar energy that is plentiful has the capacity to light up the whole nation and also power other industrial equipments. I couldn't but respect this populous nation using its natural endowment.
As I sat down in the balcony of my house I loved my interaction as mild wind gently caressed past my body in continuous rhythm. The evening sky was quite bright as I could make out the contours of the twinkling stars. I began to think back in the United Kingdom, the most recent time that I sat in the open weather with no top but only my boxer trousers. When I went swimming in an indoor pool, that was recently. I lightly looked down into the paper within my hand, as the heavens was admired by me. Most of the pages were talking about politics as Nigeria was only preparing to go into general election for the political leaders. Nigerian politics has come of age to say the least. Politics is a very profitable job in Nigeria. It is commonly said a Nigerian lawmaker brings in about twice the salary of the American President. It is generally believed to be accurate from available records although I don't have any proof of this. It's nearly impossible for anybody to remain poor and to occupy a position that is political in Nigeria. This is actually the reason lots of people perpetrate all sorts of atrocities to maintain office or political power.
I decided to return by road to Port Harcourt. It enabled me to see more of the countryside and also gave me greater comprehension of the living condition of a typical Nigerian although it turned out to be a ridiculous selection. My bus to Port Harcourt left Jos by 7.00am. The road journey was bumpy, to say the least. I was amazed in the state of disrepair of some expanses of the federal trunk roads. I detected the rate of vehicles is determined by want of the driver to get to destination as quickest as the motorist could. Therefore speed limits signs were never discovered, or to be unfair obeyed. I had been eager to discover that our bus driver maintained a maximum speed of 120km per hour on the good stretches of the trail. I believe that the speed limit could have become the instruction in the bus company. On the poor stretches of the trail, the bus crawled. Because Nigeria is blessed with favorable weather, most vehicle owners don't ensure that the air conditioning systems of these vehicles have been in good working order as the normal thing could be to roll down the wind screens for clean air to flow to the vehicles. That has been the scenario in our bus. Nevertheless, I made sure to roll the wind screens up on the dusty, earthy expanses of the trail. That wasn't enough as I noticed when we stopped to stretch our legs and to have a break. I was frightened at what I saw on the kerchief and wiped my face with my handkerchief that was white. My face was covered with brownish-black dust. I believed that was crazy. Well, there's nothing I could do they do not complain plus as that is the life of most Nigerians.
I found that vehicles would cross into the lanes of oncoming vehicles as a way to prevent some awful piece of road, as we advanced on our journey. This is a routine scene on the majority of the roads, even on important motorways (expressways) with median barriers separating oncoming from ongoing vehicles. In doing this, the vehicles didn't even use the head light to warn oncoming vehicles of the danger it posed. It turned out to be a typical scene to see vehicles swerve from one lane to another to be able to prevent some pot-holes. I was so frightened and prayed to God to take me home. I wondered as they all seem to be relaxed together with the driving pattern, if other passengers felt like me.
As I got closer to my destination, we noticed some assembly of men and women traveling median just ahead of us. Someone in our bus indicated that an injury may have occurred. He was correct. I found that a bus just like ours had only somersaulted to the median, as our driver slowed to a crawl on the scene. Some volunteers placed them on the earth and had managed to bring the occupants of the bus out. Despite the fact that these volunteers were trained on emergency first-aid nor the way to handle injury casualties, in the event of spinal cord injuries they were not unwilling to assist.
I suddenly opened my eyes and found out that I'd dozed off briefly, as I sat down at my balcony. It was now dark as I possibly could start to see the glowing skies using its half moon as well as the great and small stars adding colour to its flamboyance. Something which was apparent was the sound of electrical generating sets in almost every compound. So people needed to improvise their own electricity using generators, like normal, there was no electricity. As a result, I also pictured the escalation in carbon footprint besides the intolerable noise pollution due to these generating sets. It's obvious that the anxiety levels in individuals also increases and therefore raising the mortality rate. I wondered why a state like Nigeria should still be fighting with providing secure electricity for its citizens. I recall a one time Nigerian head of state being quoted as saying that the issue with Nigeria is not money, but what things to do with the money it's. Nigeria has so much money that it doesn't understand what to do with the amount of money. Is this statement still the case today? Well, if it is, then Nigerians need electricity. But how can this feat be understood for Nigerians, when some Nigerian businessmen make lots of fortune in the importation of electricity generators? The long nights of darkness of the common Nigerian is the bundle of the Nigerian businessman. This only ensures that the long nights of captivity will continue.
It is now 6.00am in the morning and the sun is just rising as usual. Some kids in the neighbouring compounds have simply come to my compound to fetch some water. These neighbours are those that could not manage to drill treatment and their very own water borehole and so need to depend in the mercy of other good neighbours. This is only because the government has neglected to supply water that is portable to the citizens. Every individual needs to sort out her or his very own water conditions. As I looked out through the open glass of my window, I wondered the aftereffect of the many water boreholes scattered throughout the city. Would these boreholes sometime lead to subsidence or fall? No one has yet given some serious thought to the after effect of this happening. The responsibility of the after effect would for sure remainder on the shoulders of the government because of its failure to give pipe borne water.
I travelled to the former capital of Nigeria Lagos and its commercial nerve center. Lagos is densely populated. To avoid the traffic jam in Lagos, commuters and drivers get up as early as 4.00am to leave for their office. I had a meeting in a location called Ikoyi in Lagos. If there is no traffic jam from my hotel room, it should take an average of thirty minutes. To be certain I satisfy my assembly program, I requested my driver to pick me up by 6.00am for the assembly. Despite my precaution, I spent two hours traveling and got to my meeting place by 8.05am. I wondered to myself how individuals could live this manner: going to work by 4.00am and returning by 10.00am all in a bid to avert traffic jam. My thoughts went back to London, where the transport system is well organized despite the high amount of commuters. So what exactly is the problem with several other cities in Nigeria, Lagos, and Nigerian commercial centre?
It is hardly difficult to notice in Nigeria the transportation business is driven by the private sector. Train transportation in Nigeria has crippled to a dead end. The main sources of transportation are the buses along with the taxis. These are all possessed by private people. To use the bus or a cab to work means that the time the one gets to the office might ripped or stained with soil someone's shirt. Therefore, individuals prefer to drive to work. Envision to driving to work at exactly the same peak interval where every person in a densely inhabited city revert. The end result will be traffic jam. That is the scenario in Lagos and most cities in Nigeria. The government's failure to give method and transport infrastructure of transfer means that an automobile would be owned by every person. The result: tear and wear of roads and traffic jam that is continuous.
I left Lagos. Where I'd planned to visit some family members because I didn't get a flight to Jos my going to Abuja was just accompanying. Associate Jos from there and I had to fly to Abuja. It gave me the opportunity to look round the capital scene, which will be magnificent by all standards.
Jos is on the Nigerian middle belt hillside situated on the Jos Plateau remaining at about 1,200 meters above sea level. The Jos weather resembles a mild European summer. The weather is amazing and lovely. Aside from the recent spiritual clashes in the area, Jos had remained a sanctuary for foreign tourists and visitors. With military check points at every 1km, the place has been militarised as a result of the prevailing religious clashes. The pleasure of holiday was quickly replaced with understanding. I appreciated some local delicacy and managed to catch enjoyment taking a look at the country side.
Many of these injury victims were moving their bodies and some were completely motionless. I instinctively said these individuals must be evacuated promptly to the hospital. A voice from our bus said, 'who'll do this? No body will likely be prepared to utilize her or his vehicle to take the casualties.' I inquired if there were any numbers to emergency ambulance service. No body seemed to be alert to any such emergency number. The driver of our bus proposed that we might see some staff of the Federal Road Safety Corps traveling along our destination to inform of the injury. We drove off slowly expecting that we find help for the victims along our way. As we didn't find any help on our way, that was not to be.

I decided to return by road to Port Harcourt. It enabled me to see more of the countryside and also gave me greater comprehension of the living condition of a typical Nigerian although it turned out to be a ridiculous selection. My bus to Port Harcourt left Jos by 7.00am. The road journey was bumpy, to say the least. I was amazed in the state of disrepair of some expanses of the federal trunk roads. I detected the rate of vehicles is determined by want of the driver to get to destination as quickest as the motorist could. Therefore speed limits signs were never discovered, or to be unfair obeyed. I had been eager to discover that our bus driver maintained a maximum speed of 120km per hour on the good stretches of the trail. I believe that the speed limit could have become the instruction in the bus company. On the poor stretches of the trail, the bus crawled. Because Nigeria is blessed with favorable weather, most vehicle owners don't ensure that the air conditioning systems of these vehicles have been in good working order as the normal thing could be to roll down the wind screens for clean air to flow to the vehicles. That has been the scenario in our bus. Nevertheless, I made sure to roll the wind screens up on the dusty, earthy expanses of the trail. That wasn't enough as I noticed when we stopped to stretch our legs and to have a break. I was frightened at what I saw on the kerchief and wiped my face with my handkerchief that was white. My face was covered with brownish-black dust. I believed that was crazy. Well, there's nothing I could do they do not complain plus as that is the life of most Nigerians.
I found that vehicles would cross into the lanes of oncoming vehicles as a way to prevent some awful piece of road, as we advanced on our journey. This is a routine scene on the majority of the roads, even on important motorways (expressways) with median barriers separating oncoming from ongoing vehicles. In doing this, the vehicles didn't even use the head light to warn oncoming vehicles of the danger it posed. It turned out to be a typical scene to see vehicles swerve from one lane to another to be able to prevent some pot-holes. I was so frightened and prayed to God to take me home. I wondered as they all seem to be relaxed together with the driving pattern, if other passengers felt like me.
As I got closer to my destination, we noticed some assembly of men and women traveling median just ahead of us. Someone in our bus indicated that an injury may have occurred. He was correct. I found that a bus just like ours had only somersaulted to the median, as our driver slowed to a crawl on the scene. Some volunteers placed them on the earth and had managed to bring the occupants of the bus out. Despite the fact that these volunteers were trained on emergency first-aid nor the way to handle injury casualties, in the event of spinal cord injuries they were not unwilling to assist.
I suddenly opened my eyes and found out that I'd dozed off briefly, as I sat down at my balcony. It was now dark as I possibly could start to see the glowing skies using its half moon as well as the great and small stars adding colour to its flamboyance. Something which was apparent was the sound of electrical generating sets in almost every compound. So people needed to improvise their own electricity using generators, like normal, there was no electricity. As a result, I also pictured the escalation in carbon footprint besides the intolerable noise pollution due to these generating sets. It's obvious that the anxiety levels in individuals also increases and therefore raising the mortality rate. I wondered why a state like Nigeria should still be fighting with providing secure electricity for its citizens. I recall a one time Nigerian head of state being quoted as saying that the issue with Nigeria is not money, but what things to do with the money it's. Nigeria has so much money that it doesn't understand what to do with the amount of money. Is this statement still the case today? Well, if it is, then Nigerians need electricity. But how can this feat be understood for Nigerians, when some Nigerian businessmen make lots of fortune in the importation of electricity generators? The long nights of darkness of the common Nigerian is the bundle of the Nigerian businessman. This only ensures that the long nights of captivity will continue.
It is now 6.00am in the morning and the sun is just rising as usual. Some kids in the neighbouring compounds have simply come to my compound to fetch some water. These neighbours are those that could not manage to drill treatment and their very own water borehole and so need to depend in the mercy of other good neighbours. This is only because the government has neglected to supply water that is portable to the citizens. Every individual needs to sort out her or his very own water conditions. As I looked out through the open glass of my window, I wondered the aftereffect of the many water boreholes scattered throughout the city. Would these boreholes sometime lead to subsidence or fall? No one has yet given some serious thought to the after effect of this happening. The responsibility of the after effect would for sure remainder on the shoulders of the government because of its failure to give pipe borne water.
I travelled to the former capital of Nigeria Lagos and its commercial nerve center. Lagos is densely populated. To avoid the traffic jam in Lagos, commuters and drivers get up as early as 4.00am to leave for their office. I had a meeting in a location called Ikoyi in Lagos. If there is no traffic jam from my hotel room, it should take an average of thirty minutes. To be certain I satisfy my assembly program, I requested my driver to pick me up by 6.00am for the assembly. Despite my precaution, I spent two hours traveling and got to my meeting place by 8.05am. I wondered to myself how individuals could live this manner: going to work by 4.00am and returning by 10.00am all in a bid to avert traffic jam. My thoughts went back to London, where the transport system is well organized despite the high amount of commuters. So what exactly is the problem with several other cities in Nigeria, Lagos, and Nigerian commercial centre?
It is hardly difficult to notice in Nigeria the transportation business is driven by the private sector. Train transportation in Nigeria has crippled to a dead end. The main sources of transportation are the buses along with the taxis. These are all possessed by private people. To use the bus or a cab to work means that the time the one gets to the office might ripped or stained with soil someone's shirt. Therefore, individuals prefer to drive to work. Envision to driving to work at exactly the same peak interval where every person in a densely inhabited city revert. The end result will be traffic jam. That is the scenario in Lagos and most cities in Nigeria. The government's failure to give method and transport infrastructure of transfer means that an automobile would be owned by every person. The result: tear and wear of roads and traffic jam that is continuous.
I left Lagos. Where I'd planned to visit some family members because I didn't get a flight to Jos my going to Abuja was just accompanying. Associate Jos from there and I had to fly to Abuja. It gave me the opportunity to look round the capital scene, which will be magnificent by all standards.

Many of these injury victims were moving their bodies and some were completely motionless. I instinctively said these individuals must be evacuated promptly to the hospital. A voice from our bus said, 'who'll do this? No body will likely be prepared to utilize her or his vehicle to take the casualties.' I inquired if there were any numbers to emergency ambulance service. No body seemed to be alert to any such emergency number. The driver of our bus proposed that we might see some staff of the Federal Road Safety Corps traveling along our destination to inform of the injury. We drove off slowly expecting that we find help for the victims along our way. As we didn't find any help on our way, that was not to be.